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US Army 458th Transportation Co.
US Army 18th Military Police Brigade

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During the Vietnam War the United States Military employed heavily-armed high-speed gunboats to intercept and disrupt enemy travel on the rivers and bays of South Vietnam. While the US Navy operated over 250 of these specialized watercraft, the US Army had less than 40.
Vung Ro Bay was one of nine outposts of the US Army 458th Transportation Company (PBR)
The Great Pink Outhouse Disaster
Members of the 458th in Vung Ro took great pride in their famous Pink Outhouse! One day while Papa-san was engaged in burning waste behind the outhouse, a huge Chinook helicopter came in a little too low and blew the outhouse over into the fire. The charred remains were extinguished by the Vung Ro Bay Fire Dept.
One nagging question lingers to this day, however: where, in the middle of a war zone, did the pink paint come from?

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